Anime production studios such as Massive Animations power the visuals in animated films, television, and commercials. Animation differs from other visual media forms in a number of ways.
To begin with, cartoons aren't captured by a real-time camera like most other forms of entertainment and advertising. They are, instead, drawn and captured or rendered on a computer by cartoon animators.
Additionally, cartoon animation is also different from stop motion, which compiles a multitude of still images taken from objects that are moved infinitesimally with every shot to give the illusion of motion.
In the entertainment and advertising industry, animation studios such as ours are entirely responsible for creating the visual aspects of cartoons. This includes either drawing the stop-motion cartoon animation (called 2D animation) or using a computer to render the animation and understand its movements (called 3D animation).
Cartoon animators tend to work in teams, sometimes even in the hundreds for large-scale 3D animated feature films, and are by nature skilled artists capable of translating the everyday world into a visual medium.