Educational Video Services

We’re A Veteran Animated Educational Video Production Company With All The Know-How, Foresight, & Versatility You’re Looking For

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The Increasingly Apparent Role Of Animation In Modern Learning & Education Scenarios

Awareness of how animation assists the teaching process is increasing day by day. If and when it is used correctly, animation provides a learning environment that will help learners learn more effectively. Using animation effectively for teaching is also vastly dependent on teachers' knowledge of principles and concepts, learner characteristics, and lesson objectives. In emphasising the importance of animation in the teaching process, it has to be asserted that the role of animation in both teaching and learning is quickly becoming one of the most significant and widely talked about issues in the contemporary educational circle. As far as the the state of animation in teaching-learning scenarios in schools is concerned, the situation in the past was unfortunate. It was considered merely as an entertainment form. The significance of animation in the educational process has become quite evident since then. Animation holds great promise in the educational process and has dominated educational practices in recent times.
These days, a lot of scholars and students attest to the fact that animation in teaching and learning helps in combating loss of focus and boredom, offering the capacity to activate the senses of hearing and sight. Animation provides learners with superior interactive activities establishing a concrete basis for conceptual thinking where more than one sense of perception is being experienced. The more senses are engaged in the perception (learning situation) of concepts and ideas, the faster and better the learning of these ideas and the longer the retention.
If animation is used properly, it can bring inaccessible processes, materials, events, objects, changes in time, speed and space into the classroom. Interest, as often developed by the concept of facilitation, is not an end in itself, but the facilitation process functions as a springboard to launch learners into a wide variety of learning experiences. Animated educational videos can serve the basis for design thinking that improves clarity of communication and increases comprehension speed. In addition to increasing teacher effectiveness, animation videos also have a broad appeal, capable of engaging all age groups and skill levels. The simultaneous use of audio, text, multicolored images, graphics, motion, light and other special effects provides learners (students) with many unique opportunities to develop their high-level learning abilities and enhance their ability to be highly innovative in thinking.

Assisting Both Teaching & Learning

In order for both teaching and learning to be more effective using animation, careful planning is essential. The principles of using animation in education should be thought of as a systematic approach to teaching.
One research study also refers to it as an "ASSURE" model; an acronym intended to ensure an effective teaching and learning process. In the ASSURE model, the letter A represents the analysis of characteristics of teachers and learners, while the following letter S represents the statement of educational objectives. The following letter S (the seconds "S") represents the selection of teaching methods and technology, and "U" the use of teaching methods and technology. The letter 'R' stands for requiring the participation of teachers and learners, and 'E' for the evaluation and review of the pedagogical process.
Alternatively, the systems approach is an attempt to coordinate all aspects of the problem towards specific goals. This can be realized through the usage of all available learning resources such as audio-visual technology that would help achieve the desired goal through the most efficient means possible. Some major factors to consider when using animation in teaching include type of learning and learning materials, type of learners, personal teaching styles of teachers.

Principles That Guide The Use Of Animation In Teaching & Learning

Principles That Guide Us As An Animated Educational Video Production Company

As stated previously careful planning is absolutely crucial to be able to fully realise ideal teaching and learning outcomes through the usage of animation. Teaching and learning theories that are translated into general principles are guided by socio-psychological principles that cover the following -

● The learning environment
● Student Motivation
● Reinforcement model
● Feedback.

The principles of using instructional resources can be adopted either as a 'systems approach' to teaching, or as the 'ASSURE' model (as seen previously). The success or failure of considering these three factors depends on the teacher, as they must select and organize the materials and activities and guide the students. When using animated instructional materials, the teacher should research and identify existing gaps between current and desired skill and knowledge levels, and then select instructional methods and strategies to meet the need. The successful use of animation in teaching-learning situations cannot take place without a clear knowledge of the teaching method and materials and adequate knowledge of the learners and the learning environment. These will adequately indicate what, when, where, why and how the learning activities could best be carried out.
Barriers to the use of facilitation concepts and practices in teaching and learning situations are varied and numerous. These barriers fall into two main categories, namely - extrinsic and intrinsic barriers. Animation, although not perfect, is great at mitigating the negative effects of such barriers.

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How We Create Animated Education Videos At Our Educational Video Production Company

The eLearning Video Production Process We Follow At Our Company

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Why You Should Choose Massive Animations As Your Go-To eLearning Video Production Service Requirements

Why Should You Opt For Our eLearning Video Production Service

It has to be said - creating an animated learning video is not as easy as creating other video formats. Unless one has a background in animation design, chances are they won't be able to handle the technical part of the production by themselves. Even if they do, without the know-how required to create animated educational videos that are appealing and engaging, they most probably will not be able to get the sort of response from their students that they will be hoping for. This is where the expertise of a seasoned team of professionals (such as those at our educational video production company), who've managed to garner the insight required to make world-class animated educational videos, through years of trying and failing, will prove to be incredibly time-saving and effective in terms of achieving primary objectives. For all the below reasons and more, Massive Animations is the go-to animated educational video production service for many.

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The Various Styles Of Animated Educational Videos We Create At Our eLearning Video Production Company

The Various Styles Of Animated Educational Videos We Create At Our Educational Video Production Company

Educational animation is the best way for the tech-savvy mind to convey the basic message or information of the subject. Animated graphics related to their academic and practical life allow students to quickly process information. Teachers or instructors who use animation in their eLearning programs ensure that students understand better, and it is an easy way to represent concepts and communicate them. Teachers all across the world have started to rely on animations a lot now and call it a great way to teach and improve their teaching skills. The following are some of the styles of animation we apply to the educational videos we produce at our animated educational video production company.

We’re A Top eLearning Video Production Company Because Of The Ingenuity We Bring To Every Project

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Why Should You Opt For Our eLearning Video Production Service

If you're looking for videos that inspire, illuminate and incite productivity then an educational video is the way to go!

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